Here, you’ll find powerful stories from those whose lives have been impacted by our work, showcasing the hope and healing that comes from our programs. Join us in celebrating these journeys of transformation

Your generosity fuels life-changing transformations for military couples and their families. This Giving Tuesday, we invite you to join us in an extraordinary mission: to fund the training of coaches for the Adventures in Marriage (AIM) Military Weekend Retreats.

MILITARY MARRIAGES | a story of hope...
Raul Benitez is a retired Colonel and combat veteran who believes so strongly in the mission of Live the Life that he now serves as our San Antonio Regional Director. Raul shares his unique perspective about the increased divorce rate in the US military, the need for help to save these marriages in crisis, and how Live the Life is meeting that need by serving military couples and families through our Adventures in Marriage programs. Read the full story here.

IN REVIEW | an Adventures in Marriage story...
"Have you and your spouse been fighting non stop? Playing the blame game not seeing eye to eye? This retreat is for you! This retreat has been the key to what my marriage needed. We were in the brink of separation. We had nothing left in the tank and I wanted to go all in one last time. This has saved our marriage.

Getting Personal | a Tallahassee Story
In 2017, the Florida State University’s Florida Center for Prevention Research (FSUCPR) department was hired by Live the Life to help conduct independent research on our relationship and marriage education programs, so that we could have a comprehensive picture of the effectiveness of each. It didn’t take long for Cindy to recognize that the programs were not only effective but were regularly saving marriages.

IN REVIEW | an Adventures in Marriage success story...
This 5-Star Google Review was left by a military couple who attended one of our Adventures in Marriage Military Retreats!
"My partner and I attended the Adventures in Marriage Retreat and acquired vital communication skills that will forever positively impact our relationship, our family, and those we have yet to encounter...

VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT | a Panama City story...
Dean and Marcy Corse were stressed out and on the verge of divorce in 2019, when they participated in an Adventures in Marriage program and coached. Because of the incredible change it made in their now 48-year-long marriage, they have committed to coaching others!

Staff Story | a military to Live the Life journey…
Colonel (Retired) Raul Benitez is a combat veteran and the Regional Director of Live the Life, San Antonio. He leads a fantastic all-volunteer team that serves the Military Community in "Military City, USA." The San Antonio Metro Area has one of the highest concentrations in the country of military bases, service members, military families, and retirees from all branches of the Defense Department.

My wife and I loved the information that was provided this weekend. We are so blessed and can’t wait to implement these strategies in our marriage.

This was an amazing experience with my spouse. We learned so many skills and tools that we can use to help with our marriage. Highly recommend and the coaches were great!

Had a great experience with Live the Life! The coaches were super friendly. We did a group session with other military families, but all the coaches made sure to touch base with everyone!
Click on the arrows on the left and right to scroll through our video testimonials of our programs.
Be sure to share the videos on your social media pages!