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Our True North Program (TNP) ensures a safe, comfortable, inclusive environment for all students regardless of disability, socio-economic status, religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, family structure, or cultural background.

Study Group


The TNP teaches the country’s leading relationship education curriculum: REAL Essentials. The Advance curriculum is specifically designed to equip adults to teach high school students skills for combating challenges they face in adolescence, while the Starting Point curriculum is specially designed to successfully launch children into adolescence. It teaches relationship skills that reduce friendship drama and enhance confidence and social success. Lesson content captivates the heart and directs students toward positive decision making. The sexual health components of this Student Life Program are SRA (Sexual Risk Avoidance) approved. All lessons are inclusive, evidence based and medically accurate.

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Do you want to bring True North to your students?



“This year, we piloted the class with approximately 120 students.  Next year, I would like to expand the program to an 18-week series and have up to 16 sections of 30-35 students throughout the year.  Ideally this would be a program in which all of the students have an opportunity to participate…I am very encouraged by the initial results and I strongly support continuing the program and closely monitoring the results.

-Priscilla B. Ribeiro, MBA, Ed.S. Principal, Ft. Lauderdale High school



“As a result of the positive feedback from students and teachers, I have contacted other administrators and shared my thoughts with them. It is my primary goal to have the schools in the Northeast innovation zone implement this program. Ultimately, this should be available to all schools in the district.” 


- Allan G. Thompson. Assistant Principal, Northeast High School

"I think it was a lot of fun, but we also talked about serious topics and made me understand a lot more about relationships"

-12th grade boy

"It's worth the support, as having a good person to come and teach and warn us about these things can greatly improve the chances of the students having a better life in the future than they might have if they did not take this class."

-11th grade girl

"This class taught me how to make good decisions and how to make goals so I have the future I want."

-10th grade boy


The True North Project helps prepare students for better life outcomes:


  • Realign marriage and parenthood and put them back in the proper order by promoting the "success sequence" which is

1) get educated

2) get a job

3) get married

4) then have children.  

  • Reduce their risk of poverty.  Census data show that if all Americans followed the success sequence at the same rate as Americans had in 1970, the poverty rate would be cut by around 70% — without additional government spending.  No welfare program, however amply funded, could ever hope for anything approaching such success.

  • Decrease risk behaviors including drug abuse, alcohol abuse 

  • Avoid teen pregnancy

  • Graduate from High school

  • Make better grades

  • Build stronger relationships and establish healthy boundaries

  • Learn better do’s and don’ts regarding social media usage

  • Recognize and respect differences in others

  • Learn effective communication techniques for navigating conflict and expressing oneself

  • Learn relationship “red flags” and develop healthy dating strategies and ideas for staying connected with good friends

  • Social and emotional well being

  • How to plan for and achieve the future they want

  • Lead healthier lives

  • Increase their developmental assets

  • Develop their individual identity

  • How to identify and avoid bullying

  • Developing leadership skills for gaining future employment/keeping a job

  • Sex in the context of love and its effect on whole person health


Get more information on how to bring our True North Program to your school or community!

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“The data demonstrate an urgent need to address teen sex in Florida as 16% of Middle school and 45% of High school students in this area report that they have already engaged in sexual intercourse. The WAIT Project demonstrably changes attitudes, knowledge and skills relevant to teen sexual activity. Data show statistically reliable change from pre to post on the vast majority of items which represent the following categories:   Attitudes about Abstinence, Knowledge, Beliefs that Match the A-H Principles, Skills and Behavioral Intentions. Based on pre-post results, it is clear that the Wait Project is demonstrating an immediate impact on participating youth. Collecting longer term data (e.g., at 6 and 12 months) will determine sustainability and long-term effects. The WAIT Project is being highly successful in meeting its aim to educate and support teen decisions to postpone sexual activity until marriage.” 

- Dr. Frank Fincham - Florida State University Family Institute (2013)

"Live the Life provided the “Choices Matter” program to 895 youth (485 middle school and 410 high school) throughout the Tallahassee, FL region.  Data demonstrates statistical significance from pre-test to post-test within 21 items which represent the following categories: Peer Self-Esteem, Child/Parent Communication, Future Orientation, Beliefs that Match A-H Criteria, Curriculum Themes, Behavioral Intentions, and Knowledge. The 9 statistically significant items highlighted in this report represent the greatest favorable shift in terms of percent change (10% and above).  Based on these results, it appears that the Live the Life is having an immediate impact on the youth who have participated in the program as demonstrated by statistically significant percent increases ranging from 3.1% to 26.1%. Live the Life is meeting its objective of educating and supporting teen decisions to postpone sexual activity until marriage.

- By Dr. Joseph Donnelly, Educational Evaluators Inc. (2011)

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2252 Killearn Center Blvd, Suite 100

Tallahassee, FL 32309






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