Last week we talked about Mansplaing. Well ladies, this week is our turn.
Welcome to a journey through the labyrinth of communication, where we dissect the enigma known as "nagging." This expedition shall take us through the science behind the "why", real life examples, and offer comprehensive tips for both men and women, all grounded in the bedrock of empirical research.

The Nagging Enigma: The Research
Delve with us into the realm of scientific scrutiny as we explore why women may engage in what is colloquially termed "nagging." A multitude of studies converges to illuminate the nuanced reasons behind this behavior.
1. Communication Styles and Collaboration:
- The Journal of Communication posits that women often lean towards a more collaborative and relationship-oriented communication style. What may be interpreted as nagging could, in fact, be an expression of a desire to create shared understanding within the dynamics of a relationship.
2. Unmet Expectations as Catalysts:
- Research published in the Journal of Marriage and Family brings forth the notion that nagging may arise when there is a perceptible gap between expectations and reality. Women, in seeking relational equity, might resort to persistent communication as a mechanism to address this disparity.
3. The Weight of Emotional Labor:
- The American Sociological Review introduces the concept of emotional labor, where women often bear the responsibility of managing emotional aspects within a relationship. Nagging, in this context, might emerge as a communicative outlet for unaddressed emotional needs, aiming to rebalance the scales of shared responsibilities.
The Nagging Chronicles:
Let us weave a narrative that may seem familiar to you: Enter Emma and Jake, protagonists navigating the intricacies of shared responsibilities. Emma, shouldering the emotional labor of household management, finds herself compelled to communicate persistently.
Joe leaves dirty dishes in the sink.
Emma spots the dishes
Emma (internally): "Houston, we have a problem."
Instead of picking a fight she does them, but is resentful that she has to.
The next week
Joe leaves dirty dishes in the sink.
Emma spots the dishes
Emma (internally): "Again?! Doesn't he see these??"
Instead of picking a fight she does them, but is even more resentful that she has to.
The next week
Joe leaves dirty dishes in the sink.
Emma spots the dishes
Emma (internally): "WHAT IS HE DOING?! Does he think I'm the maid??"
Now she is furious, just furious enough to say something
Emma (out loud): "Joe, do you see these dishes? It's like a ceramic jungle in here!"
Joe, looking bewildered.
Joe: "But they're just a few dishes."
Emma, activating her Nag-O-Matic 3000.
Emma: "You know, I am NOT your maid, I am JUST as tired after work as you but apparently I am the ONLY one around here who cares about living in a clean house. I guess you want to live with cockroaches and filthy dishes that start to stink up the entire house so that we can't have people over and we never see our friends again!"
Joe, looking bewildered.
But there is a better way
While Emma's reaction is understandable, and honestly too relatable it is also very avoidable. When we teach our Daily Temperature Reading we have a space there for you to talk about small things that annoy you. These small things, if left to fester, become bigger. So keep the small things small with a complaint with a request for change. This is how it could've gone if they used the skill:
Joe leaves dirty dishes in the sink.
Emma spots the dishes
Emma (out loud): "Hey Joe, instead of leaving the dish in the sink would you please rinse it and put it in the dishwasher? That would help me feel like we are equal partners in this relationship"
Joe: "Sure, I can do that!"
Sometimes articulating our needs feels more overwhelming than just doing the thing we need ourselves. As we can see, eventually our volcano of resentment will explode and we will spew onto the ones we love most. All because we didn't speak up. So speak up.

Communication Strategies for Men and Women
For Women:
Emotion Articulation: Acknowledge and articulate your emotional needs clearly. Transparent communication about feelings can prevent the escalation of perceived nagging.
Expectation Clarity: Define expectations within the relationship explicitly. Establishing shared responsibilities and expectations helps mitigate the need for repetitive communication.
Collaborative Language: Frame discussions as collaborative problem-solving endeavors. Approaching conversations with a shared perspective fosters unity and understanding.
Use a Skill: Make the Daily Temperature Reading a normal tool that you use to keep the small things small. To learn how to use the tool find a class here: aimclasses.org
For Men:
Attentive Listening: Actively listen to your partner's concerns, paying attention not only to the words but also to the emotional nuances. Understanding the underlying emotions enriches empathy and connection.
Initiating Open Dialogues: Encourage open dialogue about expectations and responsibilities. Cultivating an environment where concerns can be voiced without fear of judgment is instrumental in nurturing communication.
Proactive Participation: Take an active role in shared responsibilities. Proactively contributing to shared tasks reduces the necessity for persistent reminders and cultivates a more equitable partnership.
Use a Skill: Bring up doing a Daily Temperature Reading, this way you show her that you also want to connect emotionally and are as invested as her in this relationship. To learn how to use the tool find a class here: aimclasses.org

Navigating the Vast Sea of Communication
In conclusion, nagging is an emotionally unhealthy way for us women to try and communicate with the men in our lives. Understanding the intricate layers of communication complexities and implementing proactive strategies can metamorphose nagging episodes into platforms for mutual understanding and growth. May our collective quest for healthier communication be illuminated by the torches of empathy, research-backed insights, and a shared dedication to constructing resilient, harmonious relationships. Ladies, let's strive to better, let's be vulnerable and open with what we need. This is the year where we will verbalize instead of internalize.