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**This product is only available to certified Adventures in Marriage Instructors**


Most couples do not know “how” to be married.


Adventures in Marriage helps couples discover better ways to MEET NEEDS, COMMUNICATE, RESOLVE CONFLICT, EXPRESS ANGER, AVOID DIRTY FIGHTING and understand how their personality styles impact relationships for better or worse.


Fun, practical, and easy to learn, Adventures in Marriage is appropriate for couples at ANY age or stage.


The program is designed to reach couples across the spectrum – from happy and highly motivated to struggling and highly stressed.

Adventures in Marriage combines Christian principles with the latest research to provide specific, practical, attainable skills for a SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE.

Come learn how to create the marriage you have always wanted with the spouse you already have!

NEW Spanish Adventures in Marriage Workbook Bundle

  • -1 booklet with cardstock cover and heavy regular paper that participants can write on inside

    -1 Daily Temperature Reading/Dialogue Guide Card (PLASTIC CARD)

    -1 Heart to Heart/Take Out the Trash card  (PLASTIC CARD)

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2252 Killearn Center Blvd, Suite 100

Tallahassee, FL 32309






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